- Join in listening to the SentinelWatch podcast each Tuesday@2
- Read related articles in this week’s Sentinel magazine
- Join an online Bible Study group Thursday 7pm
- Invite a friend to a free talk about how Christian Science helps one address fear
This week’s listening program will include the Sentinel Watch podcast and the editorial in this week’s edition of the Christian Science Sentinel.
Sentinel Watch Saved from sexual assault
This week’s guest shares how she turned to God during a disturbing experience—and how it became a holy moment.
Editorial: Bringing stability in unstable times by Lyle Young
We have … stability now in God’s spiritual reality…
June 17 issue of Christian Science Sentinel
Join us via Zoom to listen to this week’s Sentinel Watch program and the Sentinel’s editorial
- Tuesday, June 18
- · 2-3 pm EST
- · via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
83436895293 - · Meeting ID: 834 3689 5293
- · OR, You may join the meeting by phone 1-301-715-8592
- Please MUTE yourself during the program. (Press *6 to mute or unmute yourself.)
Other online articles in this week’s edition of the Christian Science Sentinel share inspiration and healings of finding inner comfort, peace, refuge, safety, and confidence.
Listen to more free audio programs, as well as an archival collection of inspirational articles and spiritual healing.
There are Reading Rooms in the DC metropolitan area (and around the world) where you can talk with someone in person about ideas in these programs and articles. Or you can email us at jmrr.dc@gmail.com or call 240-935-8697 to discuss them further. Visit our website to find quick links to many more resources.
Mark your calendar for the opportunity to hear and learn more about the Bible
Thursday evenings at 7-8:15pmJoin the online Bible Study groupOnline Conference at: https://bit.ly/firstchurchdcrr Password: TruthMeeting ID/password: 9101691016Or call in by phone: (253) 215-8782
Invite a friend to a free talk about Christian Science. (See attached flyer.)
Moving past fear — to healing
Thursday, June 27, 7:30 pm ET
Speaker: Lisa Troseth, CSB
910 16th St NW
Washington, DC
The following poem about discovering spiritual security has been published online only. Enjoy!
Where we live by James Walter
We all abide
in one sure place—
though not a place that’s made of space
and not a place defined by time
or prone to change of any kind.
It is a place we know so well,
though not a house in which we dwell,
for when we look to God alone
we know at once that our true home
is not “out there” for us to find,
but here and now, secure in Mind.
Wishing you a day of inspiration and healing.
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