Our Mobile Reading Room makes presentations in communities around the metropolitan area. This makes Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and related publications accessible to many who would not otherwise know about Christian Science healing. See below for recent updates and “reports from the field.”

Mrr Near Hirshhorn Museum

8/5/24 The Mobile Reading Room display was parked near the Hirshhorn Art Museum along the Mall. There were several individuals who were interested in taking samples of the Christian Science Sentinel. Some individuals talked at length to find out more about Christian Science. One in particular questioned whether it was a cult and the attendants explained that it was not. This article explains it further. 

Mobile Reading Room in Washington D.C.

7/24/24 Located on Constitution Ave near the White House, there were several interactions with passers-by but a very thoughtful conversation with a tourist from Mexico who was happy to receive samples of several Spanish products. 

Juneteenth Mrr
Christian Science Mobile Reading Room in Washington D.C. located at At 2nd and D Streets

6/19/2024 At 2nd and D Streets, NW near a large shelter, we engaged with almost a dozen visitors, with whom we shared numerous copies of Sentinels and Spanish Heralds. 

6/12/2024 The Reading Room display was positioned at the Walmart in Charles Town, WV. There were hundreds of passers-by, many of whom shared supportive responses to the presentation. One visitor was happy to receive articles printed out from the Christian Science website related to his current employment challenge. 

2024 6 4mrr Mall
Washington D.C. Mobile Reading Room set up near the Hirshorn Museum along the Mall in June 2024

6/5/2024 Mobile Reading Room was set up for several hours near the Hirshorn Museum along the Mall. There were many passers-by, and many welcoming comments. Several took pictures of the large banners of Bible quotes. A few copies of the Christian Science Sentinel were shared. One visitor was interested in the Gratitude booklet and then asked for something on patience; the attendant printed out several articles from the Christian Science website to share with her. 

2024 5 29mrr1andd Nw

5/29/2024  Located at 1st and D Sts, NW, near a homeless shelter, many periodicals were shared: 15 Sentinels, 2 Spanish Heralds,  1 Spanish Bible lesson, 1 booklet “Greatest thing in the world “, 2 monitors. Water and snacks were also shared and gratefully received.There were numerous conversations about Christian Science with visitors.

5/15/24  Set up by the Mall in DC, two teenagers requested copies of the Bible, expressing appreciation for it. It was a busy afternoon.

5/8/24  Located by a DC shelter, 2 copies of Science and Health were shared as well as 3 Spanish Heralds

5/1/24  Parked near a shelter in Alexandria, VA. Two copies of Science and Health and a Sentinel were shared with 3 different visitors. Each one engaged in conversation, sharing and seeking comfort for some deep personal challenges. They appreciated the helpful encouragement and support from the attendants.


4/24/24  Located on the Mall for the afternoon, many passers-by engaged in conversation and took information about Christian Science. Many Sentinels were shared. Sometimes an individual would ask for prayers after sharing their challenges. One woman was very interested in all we had. After discussing her Bible, she was happy to accept a copy of Science and Health to assist her in understanding the Bible.

Mobile Reading Room

Mrr Visitor 2andd Nw

4/17/24 The mobile Reading Room display was parked at D and 2nd Streets, NW by the DC homeless shelter for the afternoon. There were numerous visitors to the display.

A woman was looking for reading material for an upcoming trip. Initially, she was shown the Christian Science Sentinel which she read, and then asked for a Bible. She was introduced to Science and Health as a help in understanding the Bible, and she looked forward to reading that as well. 

A gentleman was shown a Sentinel article about a healing of pain. He began to read the entire article out loud. This took several minutes and when he completed it, he seemed moved by what he had read and said he “really needed that.” He accepted a copy of Science and Health to read with the Bible. 

Over a dozen copies of the Christian Science Sentinel were shared with other visitors. 

Mobile Reading Room located near 2nd and D Sts, NW in October 2023
Mobile Reading Room located near 2nd and D St, NW in October 2023

10/10/23  Set up for the afternoon at 2nd & D, NW, near a homeless shelter, over 2 dozen visitors engaged with the display. Two Bibles and two copies of Science and Health were shared, about 2 dozen Sentinel magazines, and several more Christian Science publications, including Spanish Heralds. Individuals who wanted further information and support were directed to a Reading Room near them. 

10/2/23    The Mobile Reading Room was set up for the afternoon in Leesburg, VA where it provided good visibility to drivers.

9/5/23 update: About half a dozen visitors stopped to talk while the display was parked by the Aspen Hill Library in Rockville, MD. Two copies of Science and Health were shared along with Bibles and other Christian Science literature. Attendants are happy to discuss whatever questions the visitors may pose. This time they were about Christianity and healing!

2nd And D Sts Ne 8 6 23
Mobile Reading Room located near 2nd and D Sts, NE in August 2023

8/29/23 update: The Mobile Reading Room was parked near 17th and Constitution NW. Hundreds of people saw the display, including tourists in town. Many give a wave or thumbs up as they pass. A few stopped to talk, some at length, about theology, heaven, hell, God, etc. 

8/22/2023 update: The mobile Reading Room was again serving an area near a homeless shelter (2nd and D Sts, NW). Throughout the afternoon almost 2 dozen people stopped to engage in conversation and peruse periodicals. Three copies of Science and Health were shared with newcomers. One young woman was extremely interested reading the textbook on spiritual healing. Half a dozen copies of English periodicals were shared. 

8/15/23 update: On August 15 the mobile Reading Room was located again near a homeless shelter for several hours. About a dozen people stopped to speak with attendants. Several Bibles and copies of Science and Health were shared, plus over a dozen Sentinels, Journals, and several Spanish Heralds. Some visitors signed the Guest Book, engaged in significant conversations that included asking for specific prayers for their health. 

8/6/23 update: On Sunday afternoon, August 6, the Reading Room located near 2nd and D Sts, NE. Spoke with those challenged by homelessness and shared 2 Bibles and 2 copies of Science and Health. Many enjoyed the music played throughout the afternoon and look forward to our return!

Mobile Christian Science Reading Room in Washington D.C. area
Mobile Christian Science Reading Room in July, 2023

7/23/23 update: In early July the mobile Reading Room located for a day in NE just off Pennsylvania Ave near North Carolina Ave. It was a quiet spot but the attendants had a long conversation with a gentleman who was delighted to see the signs displayed and talk with them. He shared about his prayer and work with children in the city. He was happy to accept a copy of Science and Health and other Christian Science literature. 

6/19/23 update: In early June, the mobile Reading Room displayed material on 17th St. on the Mall. Hundreds of pedestrians passed the display during the 5 hours it was set up during the afternoon. Several visitors stopped to talk, listen to lectures streamed online, accept Sentinels, and one took a copy of Science and Health.

As we begin the 2023 season of the mobile Reading Room activity, the first location was on the Mall near 7th and Independence Ave on the Saturday before Easter. There were a few conversations with visitors, including a couple from Malaysia who took several Sentinels and information about where to find out more about Christian Science locally.

During the summer of 2022 the mobile Reading Room was in Silver Spring (Briggs Chaney Rd.), Dupont Circle, the DC Mall, SouthEast DC, Virginia (Centreville), as well as Charlestown and Morgantown, West Virginia. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures is available to visitors along with magazines that include testimonies of recent healings through prayer. Stop by when it is in your neighborhood.

Click here to read an article one of our attendants wrote about their experience with the Mobile Reading Room!

See the Calendar for future locations or send inquiries about its activity to jmrr.dc@gmail.com.