Career, family, Biblical healing — spiritual inspiration for today


What God knows of His creation is infinitely more powerful 
than the thoughts that any person thinks.” 
a thought to ponder from this week’s editorial in the Christian Science Sentinel
Friends, Fresh resources are available each week to support your spiritual journey, with a focus this week 

             Sentinel Watch               
          Career, family, and Biblical healing

This week’s guests share their experiences of finding healing from reading the Bible.  One discusses how the book of Psalms carried her through—and inspired her—during a difficult time in her career.  The other was across an ocean on a work trip and got a call that her youngest had a rash. She turned to the Bible—it helped her feel complete trust in God’s care for her son and brought healing results.

    • Is the Bible relevant today for you?
    • If so, how do you explain that to others?
Join us via Zoom to listen to this week’s Sentinel Watch program  

  • Tuesday, July 2
  • · 2-3 pm EST
  • · via Zoom
  • · Meeting ID: 834 3689 5293
  • · OR, You may join the meeting by phone   1-301-715-8592
  • Please MUTE yourself during the program. (Press *6 to mute or unmute yourself.)
Other online articles in this week’s edition of the Christian Science Sentinel share inspiration and healings. This week’s editorial discusses how one can turn to divine intelligence for answers. The other articles show the healing results of those who successfully did this. 
Visit the NEW AUDIO webpage that features all podcasts now available.
There are Reading Rooms in the DC metropolitan area (and around the world) where you can talk with someone in person about ideas in these programs and articles. Or you can email us at or call 240-935-8697 to discuss them further.  
Visit our website to find quick links to many more resources.
Listen to today’s headlines. Each weekday a 15 minute news briefing provides a collection of articles, providing a global perspective on important trends today. 
The recent Monitor Breakfast hosted Sen. Mark Warner, chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, for a conversation with Washington correspondents from news services from around the world. 
Linda Feldmann, Washington Bureau Chief, writes:

Mr. Warner did have plenty to say. My article focused on the risk that artificial intelligence and disinformation could turn the November election into “the Wild, Wild West.” Reuters went with the senator’s point that the United States needs to “up our game” on tracking Chinese technology. The Washington Times covered Mr. Warner’s comments on a potential TikTok ban.

Watch the C-SPAN video
Read our Monitor Breakfast coverage
      Supporting SPIRITUAL EXPLORATION         
Mark your calendar for the opportunity to hear and learn more about the Bible

Thursday evenings at 7-8:15pm
Join the online Bible Study group
Online Conference at:
Password: Truth
Meeting ID/password: 9101691016
Or call in by phone: (253) 215-8782

Thought for today

These statements about God’s ever-operative law were quoted in a testimony of healing in this week’s print edition of the Christian Science Sentinel

Mrs. Eddy writes in No and Yes, “God’s law is in three words, ‘I am All;’ and this perfect law is ever present to rebuke any claim of another law” (p. 30).

In the words of the psalmist …, “O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day” (Psalms 119:97).rit.

Have a blessed day and a Happy Fourth of July holiday weekend.