Continuing prayer about current events — the weekly inspirational podcast

“Pray for the prosperity of our country, …; that justice, mercy, and peace continue to characterize her government, and that they shall rule all nations. Pray that the divine presence may still guide and bless our chief magistrate, …, and our national judiciary; give to our congress wisdom, and uphold our nation with the right arm of His righteousness.”
(Christian Science versus Pantheism, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 14:11)
Friends, Fresh resources are available each week to support your spiritual journey and prayers:

                                    Sentinel Watch                                   
Our role in world events

This week’s guest worked for the United States Congress drafting legislation and negotiating with policy stakeholders. She shares how understanding God as the source of true government helped her overcome political divisions in both her work and in her community. Allison has some compelling stories that show how we each play an important role in healing conflict in our lives and beyond.

Join us via Zoom to listen to this week’s Sentinel Watch program  

Other online articles in this week’s edition of the Christian Science Sentinel share inspiration and healings. Good is natural provides a spiritual perspective on rising above distressing news with the vision of God’s creation. Other articles include experiences of seeing the kingdom of God as present within us now. All articles are available in audio format.

Visit the NEW AUDIO webpage that features all podcasts now available.
There areReading Rooms in the DC metropolitan area (and around the world) where you can talk with someone in person about ideas in these programs and articles. Or you can email us at or call 240-935-8697 to discuss them further.  
Visit our website to find quick links to more information.
“to injure no man but to bless all mankind”
Read today’s important news stories. Subscribe to a 15 minute weekday news briefing providing a global perspective on important trends today. 
Enjoy reading about the newest Olympic sport — breaking!

Mark your calendar for the opportunity to hear and learn more about the Bible

Thursday evenings at 7-8:15pm
Join the online Bible Study group
Online Conference at:
Password: Truth
Meeting ID/password: 9101691016
Or call in by phone: (253) 215-8782


Thought for today
“Let there be peace on earth
and let it begin with me.”
Christian Science Hymnal 521
We join together today in prayer for all.

Photo by Bill Fairs on Unsplash